If you've been diagnosed with a hypotonic pelvic floor, prolapse, are recently postpartum, or have entered menopause, this is an incredibly valuable practice for you!
Using the small inflatable ball (you can swap this out for a pillow if you don't have a ball handy), we'll incorporate breathwork, deep core engagement, inner thigh, and fascial work to access and condition the pelvic floor muscles.
This is a deliberate, detailed practice, with specific sequencing to allow you to re-train your pelvic floor for healthy function.
This practice will give you tools you can take into all of your workouts, as well as your daily life!
Order of operations: from up to bottom. That is easier to remember it for me while my body gets used to it. It is funny because there is a breath work in yoga that starts inhalation from bottom up and exhalation from up to bottom. I just made the connections. I have to say that these exercises feel that they will help with orgasms. I had to say it because it is true. And women, we deserve to have lovely orgasms.